Saturday, March 20, 2010

Getting Cardio Creative

Yesterday was a challenge to my commitment. I am happy to say I pulled through with flying colors. The problem came when I was called in to substitute for half a day at my wife's school. That threw my cardio plan out the window, because my afternoon was pretty busy, and I didn't want to lose the cardio time. What to do?

The answer hit me as I ended up having to deal with a delay that afternoon. I was at a mall when I got a call that the person i was going to meet was delayed. I decided to start walking. I headed on past the shops of one side, then down the other, then up the stairway to the second floor. Back and forth and up and down, and this was a fairly good sized mall. It wasn't completely smooth sailing, since it was after 4pm on a Friday and the mall was starting to get crowded. Plus I wasn't really dressed for anything too intense. But I still managed 45 minutes of some calorie burn and I was happy when it was done.

Better yet, I was going through some old DVDs in our collection and found a couple of old aerobic/workout DVDs. I popped in a 30-minute low-intensity, low-impact Kathy Ireland tape and had a great change of pace.

In the end, I didn't get in the cardio I wanted, but I ended doing it more and better by keeping my options open. better yet, I've discovered some new resources I can use to keep my exercise/cardio work varied and fresh. It was a very good day.

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