Saturday, March 27, 2010

Weigh In Report - A New Victory!

It was a challenging week - in that I was back to work. This brings all the challenges of trying to maintain my exercise and diet goals while shuffling many more responsibilities. over all, I did well.

My diet/calorie intake was good - keeping solidly within the 1800-2200/day zone that is my target. This included going out twice to eat. During the week we went out and I simply made some good choices for calories and portion control. Last night I went with my wife for sushi. I ate light during the day so I could afford the extra calories.

My exercise was great, although a struggle from a convenience standpoint. A lot of last minute scheduling commitments made me change a lot of my workout plans. i ended up substituting an exercise DVD at home for my planned workouts twice. Yesterday I had planned a cardio workout at my school's track after work, but they were doing maintenance. Instead, i decided to walk home. 70 minutes later I had a nice walk and a decent cardio (hauling my bag with me helped).

It was worth it at the weigh-in. Despite it being a challenging week, I managed a two pound weight loss. Better yet, I busted through the 270 barrier and stood at 269.

Here are the numbers:

High Weight: 295
Last Week's Weight: 271
Current Weight: 269

This week's loss: 2
Total Loss 26

Next week's Goal: 267
Short Term Goal: 260
Medium term Goal: 250
Long Term Goal: 200
Ultimate Goal: Hit and maintain 190

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